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NGO Their Purpose

There are various legal laws in the Indian Constitution along with other legal various legal articles and bodies that can support in setting up Non-governmental organizations in the city of Delhi.

The non-governmental organization or commonly referred as NGOs are the non-profit groups or societies that do not work for any political party. NGOs can belong to both local and international groups. The below article describes the various activities and purposes that are considered to be the functioning of the NGOs. The NGOs attain their motives either by attaining the interests of other various groups by petitioning or directly working with one or more linked groups.

The main idea of the operations linked to a NGO is the execution and enactment of the development activities and the different projects linked towards the development. The main classification of the NGOs can be decided on the basis whether it is relief oriented or it is development oriented society whereas the other classification factor of working of NGOs depends on whether it is stress service based or participation based, religious or secular, public or private working. The different levels of the NGOs can be community based, national and international based.

The main idea behind the working of NGO is to secure, shield, protect, encourage, endorse and stimulate a particular cause. In contrast to functioning project management the other purpose of this organization is to promote awareness in the society, recognition and familiarity by politicization, literature and innovative procedures. The motive of an existing functional NGO is to design and enact about the various developments linked activities. The categories that can segregate the operations of NGOs are sectioned on the basis of relief oriented to development oriented groups, the other classification can be made on the basis of stress service or partaking delivery basis or on the context of religious activity based or secularism working based and finally, they can be based on public oriented activities or private oriented activities. The other criteria of classifying the NGOs are on the basis of community, national or international workings.

The main motive of these NGOs is to investigate, explore and provide proficiency as an early caveat contrivance and further proceed for any type of international covenants. The relationship of each NGO and its operational offices with the United Nation systems depends on the type of goal of each NGO, their location and the commands of each organization.


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