Advisory for Citizens

  • For Individual
    • Be attentive
    • Don’t be an easy target
    • Move firmly, be steady in your walk and be alert about the people moving around
    • Don’t be overconfident that nothing wrong could happen with you.
    • Always be alert about the neighboring
    • Immediately call PCR at 100 or visit nearest Police Station if fearing of getting tracked or trailed by any stranger.
  • For Females
  • If you are attacked:

    • Protect from getting the head hurt. Be cool and compose and weigh the choices and opportunities before taking any action.
    • Keep evaluating the circumstances and make different plans in your head so that if one fails the other could be tried. These plans could be exchanging offer with assailant, killing time so that any support from outside could be possible, diverting the attention, be confident in your talk, try to grab attention by making loud cries or try to avoid physical confrontation when there are more than one assailant.
    • Distract the attacker by doing any unusual activity or when facing any physical abuse try to convince the attacker that you are affected by STD etc.

    After Sexual Assault:

    • Take shelter in some safe place and try to inform police
    • Try to involve police as soon as possible since this will increase the chances of getting the attacker grabbed as soon as possible.
    • Don’t try to rescind any evidence like the clothes worn during the attack, don’t wipe off the physical evidence or take shower before getting medically examined
    • Take medical help immediately
    • Never go alone to police station or medical center always ask any known person to accompany with the victim.
    • Involve the rape treatment or rape crisis management center for support and dealing with the accoster.

    For Vendors:-

  • Report about the suspicious movements
  • Keep an on every customer for they don’t leave their belongings.
  • For Vendors:- For Rickshaw Pullers and Taxi/TSR drivers:-
  • Always be attentive about the people in the neighboring
  • Be attentive when moving in crowded places like Railway stations, bus terminus. Immediately inform the nearest police officer about any suspicious activity.
  • Keep the record of each customer who visits cyber café.
  • For Landlords, Property Dealers, Car Dealer or Guest House Owners:-
  • Don’t leave house under supervision of unknown person
  • Demand for identity proof before keeping a tenant.
  • For Vendors: -Make call at 100 or 1090 for any suspicious activity in surrounding



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